INGREDIENTI per 4-6 crespelle
- 1 piccola zucchina
- 1 uovo
- 60g di farina 0
- 120g di latte
- 4-7 fettine di scamorza affumicata
- 40g di burro + 1 pezzettino per la padella
- pepe
- semi di sesamo nero
- 1 cucchiaino di semi di papavero
1) Sgusciate l’uovo in una ciotola e unite la farina setacciata.
Diluite con il latte, unite il burro sciolto i semi di papavero e lavorate la
pastella fino a che sarà omogenea. Fate riposare per una mezz’ora in frigo.
2) Imburrate con poco burro una piccola padella, scaldatela bene e con un mestolino versate un po’ di pastella.
A fuoco medio-basso fate cuocere finchè sulla superficie si formeranno delle
bollicine. Con una spatola girate la crespella e fatela dorare anche sull’altro
lato. Mettetela su un piatto e ripetete l’operazione fino a esaurimento pastella.
3) Tagliate la zucchina a julienne grossa e asciugate l’eccesso
d’acqua con un po’ di carta cucina. Mettete una fettina sottile di scamorza
affumicata, distribuite sopra un po’ di
zucchina, pepate e richiudete a libro, creando una mezzaluna.
4) Distribuite le crespelle in una pirofila, fate cuocere 2 minuti a
850watt al microonde . Sfornate, mettete un altro po’ di scamorza e i semi di
sesamo, e fate cuocere alla stessa potenza per altri 1-2 minuti in
microonde. Servite.
INGREDIENTS for 4-6 crespelle
- 1 small zucchini
- 1 egg
- 60g of flour 0
- 120g of milk
- 4-7 thin slices of smoked scamorza cheese (
- 40g butter plus 1 small piece for the pan
- pepper
- Black sesame seeds
- 1 teaspoon poppy seeds
1) Shell the egg in a bowl and add the sifted flour. Dilute with milk, add the melted butter and poppy seeds and work the dough until it is homogeneous. Let rest for half an hour in the fridge.
2) Grease with butter a small frying pan, heat it well and with a ladle, pour a little of dough. Cook at low-medium heat cook until bubbles form on surface. With a spatula, turn the crespella and brown on the other side. Put it on a plate and repeat until all batter.
3) Cut the zucchini into julienne thick and dry the excess water with a little 'kitchen paper. Put a thin slice of smoked cheese in every crespella, spread on a little 'courgette, pepper and close like a book, creating a crescent.
4) Spread the crespelle in a pan, cook 2 minutes in the microwave at 850watt. Remove from the oven, put a little more 'smoked cheese and sesame seeds, and cook at the same power for another 1-2 minutes in microwave. Serve.
(difference between french crepe and italian crespella: the crepes are served immediately, the crespelle are put in oven to brown the top)
INGREDIENTS for 4-6 crespelle
- 1 small zucchini
- 1 egg
- 60g of flour 0
- 120g of milk
- 4-7 thin slices of smoked scamorza cheese (
- 40g butter plus 1 small piece for the pan
- pepper
- Black sesame seeds
- 1 teaspoon poppy seeds
1) Shell the egg in a bowl and add the sifted flour. Dilute with milk, add the melted butter and poppy seeds and work the dough until it is homogeneous. Let rest for half an hour in the fridge.
2) Grease with butter a small frying pan, heat it well and with a ladle, pour a little of dough. Cook at low-medium heat cook until bubbles form on surface. With a spatula, turn the crespella and brown on the other side. Put it on a plate and repeat until all batter.
3) Cut the zucchini into julienne thick and dry the excess water with a little 'kitchen paper. Put a thin slice of smoked cheese in every crespella, spread on a little 'courgette, pepper and close like a book, creating a crescent.
4) Spread the crespelle in a pan, cook 2 minutes in the microwave at 850watt. Remove from the oven, put a little more 'smoked cheese and sesame seeds, and cook at the same power for another 1-2 minutes in microwave. Serve.
(difference between french crepe and italian crespella: the crepes are served immediately, the crespelle are put in oven to brown the top)
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